Saturday, November 26, 2005

Work Life Balance

People work really hard here. My co worker in Beijing took off early today - 7 30 on a Friday. He and his wife were meeting friends for dinner.

Thursday night I was pinging a colleague about something at 7 - and she was going to the gym after.

I went to a wine tasting organised the Young Professionals Chapter of the Singapore Computer Society tonight. It's for IT professionals under 40 to network - useful - since you really can't get by without partnering with your counterparts from the other IT companies. And a glass of Shiraz and Merlot and Cab Sauv makes it go down easier. Hmm - wonder why they were doing all reds t'nite.

When Howie asked me if I wanted to go I thought it would be full of stuffy, buttoned down...nerds. But it was really quite a lot of fun. We gotta get more women to attend those things - it was 70% guys.

7am tennis game in the morning. Gonna get some zzz's now.

To the NY/CT crowd: happy thanksgiving. BTW - it's 30 degrees C's about 30 F there? Hee hee.


Lauree said...

Hey! Adam and I were both sick for Thanksgiving, but got it together long enough to host my parents. Today was rest & recovery, aka Nothing! 70% men sounds like a good time! You can handle it!

Unknown said...

Hey Amela,
I'm in Tokyo right now. Went to the Mori art museum - the FIRST time I've seen any art in three whole weeks. I remember what you said in San Francisco about the things that feed us. I hadn't even realised I was hungry until today.