Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's been a week since I left NY.

Been mostly working and apartment hunting.

The great thing about my body not having adjusted to the time yet is that I actually get out of bed when my alarm goes off at 6. Been running / swimming before leaving for work. It takes me just five minutes to run to the beach from here. And the running track already has people by 6 45...and lots of senior citizens doing qi gong.

Oh - and my stuff hasn't been air-freighted yet (read clothes) which means I have an excuse to go shopping. And I don't even particularly like shopping.

T'nite was the first break I got. Went to an art gallery reception at the Esplanade with Nae, Johj and Shan. Ran into Mush and Nick. Wow!! People I actually knew! The exhibit, Pop Puri Singapura, was really cool. I especially liked Ketna's Patel's Asia Pop.

Then we had Thai food. My soft shell crab curry was excellent. We spent almost $30 a person and that's a LOT of money to spend on food here. We ate like mad. Yep - that's one thing that's been consistently good here - the food.

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