Friday, November 18, 2005

This Other Life

So - I went to a chamber music concert by the Tang Quartet Tuesday. Was at work late and didn't make it there till the interval. Missed the Schubert but at least I was there for the Shostakovich. I used to go to their gigs when they first started. Four cute guys who wanted to make classical music more accessible. They were like - the rock stars of the Singapore classical music world. Teenage girls would occupy a large part of the concert hall and throw the guys bouquets and bouquets of flowers. Hey - whatever brings classical music to the masses has my vote man.

Played tennis Thursday. Ran earlier in the week...ran again this morning but late. 8 30am instead of 6 30. I figured it wouldn't be too hot since it was cloudy - but man, it was soooo humid I ended up going back to the air-conditioned gym and doing cardio on the machines instead.

So - I've been trying to replicate the things that I was doing in NY - running, tennis, restaurants, classical music - and it's not quite the same. I miss the NY gang. Like the ability to play the game Taboo with all those shortcuts and in-jokes. Doing the Nikon D 70 thing, having dimsum at Aberdeen, Malaysian at Nyonya.

Missing the NY crew doesn't mean I don't appreciate the Singapore crew. Everyone's been great here - hangin' out, including me in their stuff, taking me out to lunch/ dinner. I realise I've been away a while and it'll take some time to build up a tight circle of friends again. I'm just workin' on getting my new groove going. Wish me luck.

Oh yeah. I made an offer on a place. Condo, running distance from beach, 5 tennis courts (OK, there are hundreds of units in this development so I'll have to share) pool long enough to do some decent laps. It's a two-bedroom so the NY crew will just HAVE to visit and make use of the spare room. As for the Singapore crew - I'll cook for you once I move in.

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