Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lion Getting Ready to Have Giraffe Steak for Lunch

We were in the jeep following a giraffe when suddenly Floris, our guide at the S African Game Reserve, notices two lions coming out of the bush. The male stays behind, the lioness slowly prowls toward the giraffe.

"The lioness is going for the kill," he says.

"Should we warn the giraffe?" someone says.

"No! This is nature. Besides, the lions have got to feed. I'm not sure if this lion will get the giraffe though. She's very young, not very experienced."

We watch, silent. We're probably all hoping the giraffe gets away. The lion comes in from behind. The giraffe spots her and gallops. They're almost neck to neck - or rather, fang to hoof. But the giraffe is faster. He gets away, this time.

"Would the lioness really have gotten the giraffe?" someone asks. "The giraffe is so much taller and faster."

"Yeah if she were smart," said Floris. "If she had jumped on his back while he was drinking and got him into the water, he'd have been finished."

And that's how the game is played. Even if it's only in a Game Reserve.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geri, you almost had you "Battle at Kruger" moment!