Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pigging Out in Cambodia

Last minute decision to go to Cambodia over the long weekend with a couple of friends.

We stayed at really basic places - backpacker hotels at US$15 a nght.

OK...so it had a homey B&B feel to it. And there was that massive brownout l

It's been five years since I last went gto Angkor Wat and I can't believe how many hotels there are paving the road from the Aiport.

Once you get past those cookie cutter guest houses, the temples are magnificent, the food is cheap, and (I don't think we paid more than $5 each for any meal). so that we could eat lots
, and the nightlife is really revving up.

I wish I could go there just for weekends / evenings and the come back in time for work after . Posted by Picasa


Igor Jablokov said...

Hope you had a Happy Easter! :-)

Unknown said...

...yeah, I did. I kinda skipped going to church though. oops.