Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another Weekend, Another Train

Was in Bangkok Thursday and Kuala Lumpur Friday.

Here's a globalised, mobile workforce for you. When I was at my meeting in Bangkok my sister was at her meeting in Pattaya. Different ends of the same country. Photo's from the hotel in Bangkok.

A couple of years ago, when I was still living in NY, my brother came over on a business trip and I had to meet him at La Guardia Airport or not see him at all. I was flying back to NY after a vacation in Santa Fe and he was flying back home to Singapore after a meeting in NY. (Actually, it sounded more like lots of golf in Jersey on an expense account.) My plane was coming in a couple of hours before his was due to leave - so we grabbed a quick dinner at some chain restaurant.

So...last Saturday, I was taking a train in from my hotel in Sentral to the KL Airport, and if I closed my eyes, I could almost pretend I was on a Metro North going from Westchester to the city. It was 3pm on a Saturday, I had my iPod in its pink case (except it's now a nano), and I had Jay McInerney's latest book, The Good Life, on my lap. It could have been a typical NY weekend commute into Manhattan, waiting to get off at 125 St or Grand Central. Except that when I looked up from listening to SiSe while reading about discontented upper middle class New Yorkers, I saw ... coconut trees and the thick, unrelenting equatorial rain.

My favourite line from the book is a description of a couple with two kids who live in loft in Tribeca. The male protagonist works in publishing - as opposed to finance. "They felt like paupers living in a town of zillionaires."

Oh yeah - that's NY. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

Hi guys - hopefully I'll soon be able to post a photo of my new apartment. Went to take a look at the renovations-in-progress, exhausted after a gruelling couple of weeks at work and I totally felt better. The floors are about done...yay...the kitchen was totally empty and the bathroom sinks were gone, ready to be replaced. And of course, the spare room is for you guys.

Lauree said...

can't wait to see photos of your new place! I've just started writing in my blog