Three broken metatarsals, Christmas Eve, DEFINITELY no alcohol involved. Although I do remember there was lots of sugar. Christmas cake from all over and macaroons from Paris.
Anyway, it was 2 30 in the morning and I slipped on a wet sidewalk going to my car. Carrie comes and picks me up, takes me to A&E at East Shore Hospital where I expect to see a bunch of drunk people but no, I'm the only idiot there.
I'm in a backslab for 10 days - that's like half a cast and lots of bandages; the doc removes it, which makes me really happy and hopeful even though I'm still on crutches, and when I see him a week later, he says the bones aren't healing and puts me back on them again. Lemme tell ya - hobbling on crutches, showering with a plastic Kinokuniya bag up to your knee, and depending on everyone else except yourself for transport and everything else is no walk in the park. In fact, there's no walking involved at all. it's mostly hobbling.
Anyway, six weeks later and the backslab's been off for like...two weeks now. I'm still on crutches although less and less. I can drive. My foot is slowly starting to look normal again. Until recently it looked like I had elephantisis. Last weekend I was able to buy a pair of closed toe shoes - OF THE SAME SIZE! Now THAT is a major milestone. This weekend I was able to hobble around DKNY. Except the shoes cost like $400 Sing and up so that's out. Next week Ferragamo? Looking buying.
So...since the gym and the running track have been pretty much off limits for me, I decided to take an online writing class from UCLA Extension. It's a TON of fun. Been reading a bunch of short stories for the class - Tobias Wolff, Joyce Carol Oates, Eudora Welty, and I mean really, really reading - and discussing plot and character and all.
I figured taking a class would beat Mike's suggestion of taking up competitive eating. Less damage to my wardrobe that way.
And yes Gene, I did travel. Was in Tokyo for work. Try hobbling around Ropponggi and Chiyoda on crutches. I dare you.
So glad you're doing better, although your foot's health seems to be inversely proportional to the health of your finances. Careful.
You should have rented one of those jazzy scooters in Roppongi. Heck, I should have rented a scooter in Roppongi.
Joyce Carol Oates? She's so . . .grim and dire. And she really doesn't like men, much. I want to like her; I really do. But she doesn't make it easy. Why don't you read some upbeat, lighter fare, like Tolstoy, Dickens or Homer?
Wow... sorry about your foot. My daughter tore her ACL at the end of last soccer season and had knee surgery in November... she has just this week been cleared to start running again.
Hi guys,
Still can't run yet, but the foot's gettin' better. It's SO SLOWWWWW though...
At least my orthopaedic surgeon has a good sense of humour and the anaethetist was cute. REALLY cute.
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